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La influència de Bruce Springsteen, i Money for Rope en concert

Durada: 1 h 8 min
01 Band of horses - Casual party (Why are you ok, 16)
02 The Last Shadow Puppets - Pattern (Everything you've come to expect, 16)
03 Negro - Si Dios me quiere lo entenderá (Heráclito, 16)
04 Esperit! - Risky moves (Heráclito, 16)
05 Arbeit Shickert Schneider - Salycil (Ass, 16)
06 John Berkhout - Vallhalla (Boo mind, 16)
07 Twin Shadow - I'm on fire (Under the cvrs, 13)
08 Low - I'm on fire (Dead man's town: A tribute to Born in the USA, 14)
09 Praything - Dancing in the dark (Born EP, 12)
10 Kurt Vile - Downbound train (So outta reach, 11)
11 Tortoise i Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Thunder road (The brave and the bold, 06)

Fragment de l'actuació que el grup Money for rope al festival alemany Halder Pop l'any 2014.

