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James Hunter, rocker i "gentleman"

Durada: 1 h
Hereu dels grans rockers britànics com Nick Lowe, James Hunter i els seus Six presenten nou disc, "With love". Cançons d'amor que es podran sentir en directe durant la gira que els portarà pels escenaris espanyols.

01 Mishima - "Cotó"
02 The James Hunter Six - "Something's calling"
03 The James Hunter Six - "If only knew"
04 The James Hunter Six - "It was gonna be you"
05 The James Hunter Six - "Lover of love"
06 Nick Lowe - "I love the sound of breaking glass"
07 Graham Parker - "Protection"
08 Alex Chilton - "Oogum boogum"
09 Elvis Costello - "Watching the detectives"
10 Joe Jackson - "Is she really going out with him?"
11 Matthew Sweet - "Sick of myself"
12 Eli "Paperboy" Reed - "I'm bringing home good news"
13 Damien Jurado - "Roger"
14 Dekker - "Let's pretend"
15 Papercuts - "Lodger"
