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El celobert

Sintonies televisives

Durada: 1 h
Són les músiques que ens han bressolat les migdiades, que ens han fet companyia mentre sopàvem o paíem el sopar. Són les melodies televisives, que ens han aplegat al sofà de manera miraculosa a grans i petits, pares i fills. En recuperem unes quantes de manera desacomplexadament nostàlgica.

01 The Rembrandts - "I'll be there for you"
02 Bodeans - "Closer to free"
03 The Jam - "Batman theme"
04 Bowling for soup - "Today is gonna be a great day"
05 "Theme from cheers"
06 The Monkees - "The Monkees"
07 DJ Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince - "The fresh prince from Bel Air"
08 The Ramones - "Spiderman"
09 Manic Street Preachers - "Suicide is painless"
10 Alabama 3 - "Woke up this morning"
11 Husker Du - "Love is all around"
12 B 52's - "Meet the Flintstones"
13 Mike Post - "Theme from Magnum P.I."
14 Barnaked Ladies - "Big bang theory theme"
15 Mike Post - "The greatest american hero"
16 The Rapture - "House of jelaous lovers"

