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El celobert

Ara piqueu de mans

Durada: 1 h
Si hi ha una manera segura de donar vida a una cançó, és posar-hi palmes i deixar que s'engresqui sola. Aquí teniu un "Celobert" per picar-hi de mans.

01 Queen - "We will rock you"
02 The Cars - "My best friend's girl"
03 Manel - "Al mar"
04 Outkast - "Hey ya!"
05 Plastic Ono Band - "Give peace a chance"
06 The Beatles - "I want to hold your hand"
07 Simon & Garfunkel - "Cecilia"
08 T Rex - "Bang a gong"
09 Camaron de la Isla - "La leyenda del tiempo"
10 The New Raemon - "El fin de la resistencia"
11 Stealers Wheels - "Stuck in the middle with you"
12 Feist - "1234"
13 The Shins - "Kissing the lipless"
14 Wilco - "Nothing's ever gona stand in my way"

