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Un festival ple de Vida

Durada: 1 h
En els nostres divendres de clàssics, i coincidint amb la cinquena edició del Festival Vida, farem una ullada a les estrelles del cartell i a altres propostes menys massives, com ara They Might Be Giants o Elvis Perkins.

01 Mareta Bufona - "Estrelles locals"
02 Elvis Perkins - "While you were sleeping"
03 They Might Be Giants - "Let's get this over with"
04 The New Raemon - "Tú, Garfunkel"
05 Franz Ferdinand - "Take me out"
06 Nick Mulvey - "Mountain to move"
07 Calexico - "Under the wheels"
08 Los Planetas - "Santos que yo te pinte"
09 Joan Queralt & The Seasicks - "Indie runner"
10 Quimi Portet - "Petita vida"
11 The Breeders - "Nervous Mary"
12 Buffalo Tom - "Least that we can do"
13 Egon Soda - "Glasnost"
