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Via Jazz

Via Jazz Selecció: Fred Hersch Trio "Live in Europe"/ Charlie Hunter

Durada: 54 min
Temes que sonen al programa:
"We see", "Bristol Fog" i "Miyako" (de l'àlbum "Fred Hersch Trio Live in Europe", Palmetto Records, 2018)
Fred Hersch, piano; John Hebert, contrabaix; Eric McPherson, bateria

"Through the forest" (de l'àlbum "Open Book", Palmetto Records 2017)
Fred Hersch, piano

"Big Bill's blues" i "Who put you behind the Wheel?" (de l'àlbum "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth", 2016)
Charlie Hunter, guitarra; Kirk Knuffke, trompeta; Curtis Fowlkes, trombó; Bobby Previte, bateria

Jelly Morton i els New Orleans Rhytm Kings (1923)
