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Via Jazz

Via Jazz Selecció: Anthony Braxton/Joe Henderson/Brad Mehldau Trio "Seymour Reads the Constitution"

Durada: 59 min
Temes que sonen al programa:
"Giant Steps" de l'àlbum "23 Standards" (2004)
Anthony Braxton, saxo; Kevin O'Neil, guitarra; Kevin Norton, bateria; Andy Eulau, contrabaix

"Lush Life" i "Blood Count" (de l'àlbum "Lush Life", 1992)
Joe Henderson, saxo tenor; Wynton Marsalis, trompeta; Scott Stephen, piano; Christian McBride, contrabaix; Gregory Hutchinson, bateria

"Seymour Reads the Constitution", "Almost Like Being in Love", "Ten Tune" i "Great Day" (de l'àlbum "Seymour reads the Constitution", Nonesuch 2018)
Brad Mehldau, piano; Larry Grenadier, contrabaix; Jeff Ballard, bateria
