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1914: Londres

Durada: 57 min
1914: Londres
George Butterworth: "The Banks of Green Willows"
Orquestra de cambra anglesa
Dir.Jeffrey Tate

Vaughan Williams: "The Lark ascending"
David Greed, violí
English Northern Philharmonia
Dir.David Lloyd-Jones

Hurbert Parry: "Via Mortis" del poema simfònic "From Death to Life"
Orquestra Simfònica de Londres
Dir.Mathias Bamert

Gustav Holst: "Dirge for two veterans"
Baccholian Singers of London
Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
Dir.Ian Humphries

Edward Elgar: "Carillon" per a recitador i orquestra op.75
Henry Ainley, recitador
