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Nessie party

Icona informacióDisponible fins al 03/02/2019 a les 23.59

K3 go to Scotland to perform in a concert dedicated to the Loch Ness monster "Nessie". Jean-Pierre Piquet welcomes them and is suspiciously excited for the event. Suddenly the shaman Varuamana appears telling K3, especially Kate, that Nessie is in danger and she's the only one who can save him. Meanwhile, at the Loch Ness castle, Dr. Frank Enstein is preparing a surprise for his twin brother... Jean-Pierre Piquet. He wants to multiply Nessie, who appears thanks to K3's music, and create a Nessie Amusement Park where his brother will be the star host. All JPP has to do is grab one of Nessie's hairs, but in the dark he accidently rips out Kate's hair. Enstein multiplies Kate, who falls into a deep magic sleep, while Kim, Kylie and X go to the castle to find Enstein: the only one who can reverse the effects. Will they be able to get to him in time?