The End of Antibiotics

Have antibiotics ceased to be effective?

Antibiotics are losing their effect, at least in the treatment of certain diseases. Careless prescription of this medication has led to many bacteria finding ways to build up their resistance to treatment; they are "superbugs," and a threat which, by the year 2050, could be responsible for more deaths than cancer.

Abuse of antibiotics in treating humans─even in cases of minor diseases─and animals as well, together with limited research into new antibiotics, considered not a profitable endeavor, add up to the ideal ingredients for a "perfect storm," according to some doctors and scientists.

If new means are not found to control the infections caused by these "superbugs" we could find ourselves without some substances that are crucial to surgery and modern medicine in general.

The documentary focuses on this health risk and gives voice to doctors, veterinarians, researchers and members of the World Health Organization who are battling this steadily growing threat.

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