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Pista de fusta

Molt per fer

Durada: 1 h
Cançons amb ànima soul per a una altra tarda a la pista. De llegendes com Dr. John i Aaron Neville a nous trobadors com Joel Sarakula i Nathan Johnston. Les cançons ens fan millors i els nostres actes, encara més.

01 Dr. John & Aaron Neville - "End of the line"
02 Ghetto Priest - "Hercules"
03 C. Wheeler & Brown Sugar - "Go now"
04 Okay Kaya - "Spinal tap (feat. Deem Spencer and Michael Wolever)"
05 Nathan Johnston & the Angels of Libra - "All your love"
06 Young Gun Silver Fox - "Winners"
07 Black Jesus Experience - "Spirits of the land"
08 Surprise Chef - "Money music"
09 Boy Pablo - "Be mine"
10 Lorenzo Soria + Sebastián Orellana - "Si te vas" (Contento remix)"
11 Laura Jean - "Too much to do"
12 Joel Sarakula - "Tragic"
13 Cappuccino - "San Francisco"
14 Achilifunk Sound System - "Echate pa'lla (feat. Chinato)"
15 Kansas Smitty's - "Bokeh"
