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"Sit down young stranger", de Gordon Lightfoot

Durada: 1 h 1 min
El Canadà és terra de grans cantautors. Hi ha un cert consens a dir que el més gran de tots és Gordon Lightfoot. Bob Dylan així ho pensa, obviant potser altres grans noms que no cal esmentar aquí ara. Sigui com sigui, avui sentim el sisè disc de Gordon Lightfoot, una preciositat senzilla, humil, que molts cantautors es moririen per haver signat, "Sit down Young estranger", del 1970.

01 Gordon Lightfoot - "Minstrel of the dawn"
02 Gordon Lightfoot - "Me and Bobby McGee"
03 Roger Miller - "Me and Bobby McGee"
04 Gordon Lightfoot - "Approaching lavender"
05 Gordon Lightfoot - "Saturday clothes"
06 Gordon Lightfoot - "Cobwebs and dust"
07 John Sebastian - "Welcome back"
08 Gordon Lightfoot - "Poor little Allison"
09 Gordon Lightfoot - "Sit down Young stranger"
10 Gordon Lightfoot - "If you could read my mind"
11 Stars on 54 - "If you could read my mind"
12 Gordon Lightfoot - "Baby it's alright"
13 Gordon Lightfoot - "Your love's return"
14 Gordon Lightfoot - "The pony man"
