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Jonathan Richman, l'home amb ànima de nen

Durada: 1 h
Vet aquí la història increïble d'un noiet de Massachussets que es va enamorar de la Velvet Undeground i va decidir filtrar la proposta musical dels seus herois capgirant el vessant tòxic i nihilista a través d'una mirada neta, innocent i plena de positivisme. Benvinguts al màgic món de Jonathan Richman.

01 The Modern Lovers - "Roadrunner"
02 The Modern Lovers - "I'm straight"
03 The Modern Lovers - "Dignified and old"
04 The Modern Lovers - "Pablo Picasso"
05 The Modern Lovers - "New England"
06 Jonathan Richman - "That summer feeling"
07 Jonathan Richman - "Give Paris one more chance"
08 Jonathan Richman - "You're the one for me"
09 Jonathan Richman - "Dancin' late at night"
10 Jonathan Richman - "When she kisses me"
11 Jonathan Richman - "The morning of our lives"
12 Jonathan Richman and The Modern Lovers - "I'm a little dinosaur"
13 Jonathan Richman - "Ice cream man"
14 Jonathan Richman - "I was dancing in the lesbian bar"
15 Jonathan Richman - "True love is not nice"

