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El celobert

Cançons per explicar una pandèmia

Durada: 1 h
Avui busquem artistes visionaris que, potser sense saber-ho, van intuir aquests dies de confinament que havien d'arribar a través de cançons que descriuen perfectament la recança, l'aïllament i les ganes que tot acabi bé.

01 R.E.M. - "It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)
02 Phil Collins- "In the air tonight"
03 Bjork- "Virus"
04 The New Raemon- "Un apocalipsi"
05 Mazoni- "Apocalipsi now"
06 Alaska y los Pegamoides- "Horror en el hipermercado"
07 The Magnetic Fields- "I can't touch you anymore"
08 Pet Shop Boys - "The end of the world"
09 La Pols i l'Era- "El món s'acaba aquesta tarda"
10 The Mulligan Brothers- "I need to get out"
11 Frank Ocean- "In my room"
12 Rialto- "Quarantine"
13 Tame Impala- "Breathe deeper"

