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Belle & Sebastian, mestres del pop delicat

Durada: 1 h
Ningú fa cançons com Belle & Sebastian, i sort en tenim que sigui així. Per aquest motiu, retem homenatge al seu cançoner delicat, preciosista i somiador.

01 "I want the world to stop"
02 "She's losing it"
03 "We rule the school"
04 "If you're feeling sinister"
05 "Get me away from here, I'm dying"
06 "The fox in the snow"
07 "Dirty dream number two"
08 "Legal man"
09 "I'm a cuckoo"
10 "Step into my office, baby"
11 "I didn't see it coming"
12 "Another sunny day"
13 "Piazza, New York catcher"

