Pills Searching for Illness

Which comes first, the pill or the illness?

The unquestionable benefit that medication has had on lengthening life spans and enhancing quality of life goes hand in hand with a disproportionate rise in the use of medications, to such an extent that in wealthy countries the illnesses associated with them are the third cause of death, following hearts attack and cancer.
Certain pathologies seem to have increased spectacularly. Nowadays who doesn't know a child with ADHD? And along with illnesses, the consumption of prescribed drugs increases.

Must we medicate ourselves to that extent? Is it necessary to take a pill to cope with natural life processes such as menopausal hot flashes or grieving over the death of a family member? Do we really need to keep our cholesterol count under 200 or is it that by raising that threshold, millions fewer pills would be sold around the world?

The pharmaceutical industry is the main beneficiary of this excessive consumption of medications. "Disease mongering" - as some call the lucrative business of encouraging ailments- has broadened the range of illnesses and their respective remedies.

This documentary analyzes some medications that have wreaked havoc among  consumers from different countries. Those affected accuse the pharmaceutical industry of hiding the side effects of products that have caused irreversible physical damages or even death, as in the case of Agreal, Paxil and Propecia. These medications have been sold all over the world. Some countries have now banned them, but they are still on the market in others.

Individuals from Spain, Mexico and the United States offer first-hand accounts of their experiences regarding a situation that is little recognized  by most consumers and which is not only dangerous but affects thousands of people around the world. Pills Searching for Illness is an investigative work that should be prescribed for all healthcare users.
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