Non Human People

What should 21st Century zoos be like?

Questioning the ongoing practice of exhibiting animals in enclosures.

As elsewhere in Europe, Barcelona is rethinking the role zoos should have in large cities. The classical, conventional display of animals is starting to be seriously questioned. Society is increasingly calling for a reorientation of this practice so as to prevent animals from being locked up in such venues. Some suggest more emphasis should be placed in helping maintain their habitat so species can thrive in their own environment.

The documentary presents some pioneer projects such as searching shelter for the cetaceans inhabiting the Greek island of Lipsi, as well as the case of Cecilia, an Argentinian chimpanzee that became severely depressed after being left alone in a cage. The case presented by the judge was a success after she determined non-human rights applied and therefore, the animal should be transferred elsewhere.

Such actions represent an attempt to return to animals what humans had taken away from them long before.

The debate is now open.

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