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T'agrada el blues?

Jeff Healey i Henrik Freischlader

Durada: 1 h
Dos discos acabats de sortir: Escoltem "Heal my soul", novetat discogràfica pòstuma del potentíssim i magnífic guitarrista, cantant i compositor canadenc de Toronto (Ontario) Jeff Healey, i "Openness", el darrer treball d'Henrik Freischlader, el prestigiós i acurat bluesman elèctric alemany de Wuppertal (Nord-Westfàlia).

01 "Daze of the night" – Jeff Healey (CD "Heal my soul")
02 "Moodswing" – Jeff Healey
03 "I misunderstood" – Jeff Healey
04 "Please" – Jeff Healey
05 "Put the shoe on the other foot"- Jeff Healey
06 "Openness" – Henrik Freischlader Trio (CD "Openness")
07 "Early morning blues" – Henrik Freischlader
08 "Lord have mercy" – Henrik Freischlader
09 "Business straight" – Henrik Freischlader
10 "Techno" - Henrik Freischlader
11 Quico Pi de la Serra en directe: "Jive blues"

